4 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

Today we’re talking about one of the most common literary illnesses: Writer’s block. Learn the tips and tricks to get back to writing your story!

Do you have writer’s block? Symptoms include lack of motivation. Starting at a blank page. Foggy brain. Random desire to clean the house rather than work on your draft. Yep, sounds like writer’s block to me. Well, you’ve come to the “write” place (lol see what I did there)!

People will try to tell you that writer’s block isn’t real. You’re just being lazy or not taking this writing thing seriously. Well, they’re wrong. Writer’s block isn’t a physical roadblock. It’s a state of mind. And sometimes the mind just wants to do anything other than write.

So what’s the problem? If you don’t want to write just don’t do it.


Overcoming writer’s block is a huge stepping stone for writers to prove to themselves that nothing will get in the way of their passion. Also, if you ever plan on taking your writing to the next level, as in making a career out of it, you can’t just call in a sick day by saying you have writer’s block.

While there is no panacea to the literary disease, there are ways to power through it. Here are some tips for overcoming writer’s block.

#1 Work on something different

If the words aren’t flowing for one of your WIPs, maybe you just need to set it down and pick up another. Try jotting down some words for that new, shiny idea you’ve been thinking about. Or draft up ideas for some other projects you hope to get to when finished with your current one.

#2 Set it Aside

Go for a walk. Read a book. Watch a movie. Don’t just do something you enjoy. Find something that you can draw inspiration from to help you move forward the next time you sit down to tackle your draft.

#3 Talk it out

Got friends? Family? Critique partners? Yell it into the void that is social media. Or just talk it out to yourself (when you’re alone is preferrable; in public well people might look at you oddly). Ask for ideas or spitball a bunch of ideas. See what sticks.

#4 Just write

It’s just a draft. It will see editing time and time again before the end. Open up a new document. Use the stream of consciousness approach. In this approach to writing, all you need to do is write. The sentences don’t have to make sense. The story can come out jumbled and just info dumps galore. That’s okay. That’s the point. The goal is to get words down. They don’t have to be good words. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll find any idea among the rambling that will lead you down the right course.


Writer’s block doesn’t last forever. Find the cure that works for you. As with most aspects of writing, the same method won’t work for everyone. Don’t feel like you’re trapped if these tricks don’t help you the first time. Push through and find your way up the mountain. After all, the world needs your story!

Want more? Another way to help you on your writing journey is to outline those ideas while they’re fresh. While your here, check out our new Story Outline Journals in our Amazon store. Click here.

Did I miss something? Let me know in the comments below about your tips and tricks to curing writer’s block!

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