Uncommon Mythical Creatures to Use in your Fantasy Novel and How to Invent your Own

Fantastical creatures are a staple to epic and high fantasy. From dragons to fae to mermaids, you can never go wrong adding in a mythical creature to your fantasy story. If you want your fantasy to stand out and be different than the rest, you’ll have to get imaginative with your creatures! We’ll look at some uncommon creatures in fantasy and how to create your own!

One of the fun aspects of fantasy is building up extravagant worlds. From amplified biomes to magnificent structures, fantasy worldbuilding is an experience aside from the plot of the novel itself. It’s an adventure. But another part of fantasy worldbuilding often ignored are the creatures.

Many writers love to use fantastic settings not found in our boring world. They also incorporate magic systems to pull us into the wonder. However, when it comes to fantasy creatures, many writers don’t go further than dragons, mermaids, and griffins. Yes, these are fantasy creatures and it’s totally fair to use them in your fantasy world. However, there are so many other mythical creatures out there. And if you’re creating an entire world, why not add a species or two to that list!

First, we’ll start off with some mythical creatures from around the globe that you can incorporate into your fantasy world.

#1 Manticore

A manticore is a creature with a human head, lion body, and tail like a scorpion. It’s a predatory creature believed to eat humans and has origins in Persian myth. In many TTRPGs (Table-Top Role Player Games), this monster is depicted with wings and sharp teeth. Its chimera anatomy could inspire you to take it a step further and create a monster hybrid of other creatures.

Photo by dndbeyond.com

#2 Magical Deer / Stags

Photo by Maria Angelova on Pinterest

Many often think of dangerous creatures or terrifying monsters when it comes to adding creatures to their fantasy worlds. Unfortunately, the peaceful and more tranquil wildlife is often overlooked. Deer or stags can be beautiful creatures to craft into any fantasy world. Their elegance adds to the vibe of a magical forest. Whether their antlers grow flowers or their bodies shine with golden hair, a magical variation of what we know of as a deer will certainly add to any magical tale.

#3 “Sea” Horse

Don’t stop at the land creatures, magic can lurk beneath the water’s surface as well! For example, take the magnificent seahorse. When we’re talking fantasy, we can take that name literally! Breathe life and magic into the sea creatures of your fantasy world. Flying fish that can actually fly. Hammerhead sharks that are excellent weapon smiths. The list goes on. Not to mention adding in a terrifying Leviathan to up the ante. Have your characters set sail and see the magical beauty and / or horror of the seas.

Artwork by Jennifer Miller of featherdust.com

Not finding any on the list that meet your needs? Well, that means it’s time to get innovative! Put your imagination to the test and create your own fantasy creatures that fit perfectly into your realm. Here’s how:

Tips For Creating Your Own Creatures:

First, think of the environment this creature will need to live in. Is it on land? Under the water? In a volcano? It’s fantasy, so anything is possible!

Next, think of creatures on our planet that may dwell in that environment.

Combine a few of them! Take creatures from our world and combine them into a single creature.

Biology and evolution are important! There are reasons why birds’ beaks are shaped a certain way. There are reasons why dinosaurs that could walk on two legs were meat eaters and those on four herbivores. The anatomy of the creatures needs to make sense and it needs to give them certain advantages in your world.

Now come up with a name. Try to use naming conventions that people of that region may use for the creature. Think of the colors of the creature and how it walks. Consider its diet and mating rituals.

If you’re really talented, draw a picture of your creature and stick it in your outline journal (link here)! Someday my dream is to commission fan art of the creatures I’ve invented!

And there you have it! Sometime soon, we’ll take a look at the flora of your fantasy world!

Did I miss something? Let me know in the comments below about your favorite creatures to add to your fantasy worlds!

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