5 Fantasy Prompts to Inspire Your Storytelling

Whether you’re exercising your skills or stuck in a rut, there’s always a way forward. Boost your story and spark your imagination with these prompts for your fantasy story.

Trying to challenge yourself with some flash fiction? Wishing to avoid a soggy middle to your WIP? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve come up with some fantasy prompts to get your creative juices flowing and your mind back to your story.

#1 Introduce a new character

Prompt: The gardener with mud speckled cheeks turned to me and held out her hand. I placed my bloodied palm in hers and was healed in an instant. My eyes grew wide as my jaw dropped.

If your story ever starts to slow down, try spicing it up by adding a new character. I’m not talking some omnipotent superhero who will solve all the world’s problems. I’m talking mysterious. Charismatic. Maybe even a little suspicious.

They don’t have to become a prominent figure. They may only be needed to solve a problem or two. Their only impact may be character development. Just make them interesting and / or relatable! Adding characters can add to the worldbuilding and show off your ability to craft different voices and personalities.

If you’re just trying to practice your writing in short form, think of an interesting character. Maybe they have a unique magic ability. Perhaps they’re hidden royalty. Or they’re just a run of the mill average laborer who stumbles upon some good (or bad!) luck.

It’s your story, so you get to choose!

#2 Magical Objects Galore!

Prompt: A dwarf dressed in tattered garments entered the tavern and sat in the corner. In their lap, they held a ____(object)____. It was just like the one in the picture.

There is no end to the devastation a magical object can cause. It could be cursed. It could be from the gods! It’s fantasy so anything is possible.

The best way to incorporate a magical object is with some foreshadowing. If you do get stuck later in your WIP, remember to go back at some point and hint at the object. Even if it’s a brief message in dialogue or a picture found by the main character. Objects and artifacts that possess rare power never cease to impress.

#3 Surprise Attack!

Prompt: A rumbling thunder reverberated through the air. My hand slid toward the hilt of my sword. The shadows fell upon the mountain as the clouds parted overhead. The dragons were coming.

Arguably a story can never have too much conflict. And sometimes being predictable can be boring. What’s not boring? Surprises!

Time for a surprise attack. Whether from invaders or the dangerous monsters of your world, this conflict doesn’t have to come from anything hinted at early. It could have nothing to do with your primary antagonist or conflict of your main character.

Sometimes life just happens.

The world continues going on around your main character’s story. So why not add another problem to their list?

#4 Buried Secrets are Revealed

Prompt: A leatherbound tome fell from the shelf. As I bent over to grab it, I noticed a photo sticking out from between the pages. Preventing an audible gasp, I bit my lip. It was a picture of my father. And with him, __(main antagonist)__.

Many of those you encounter in your fantasy world may have skeletons in their closet. Both metaphorical and literal. But what if your main protagonist found some dirty secrets from their family’s past?

How would they react? Would they feel betrayed? Lied to? Or would they reconsider the path they’ve been following all along?

Again, completely up to you!

Secrets don’t have to be foreshadowed or too premeditated. But if they are, it really adds to the storytelling!

#5 Retelling with a Twist!

Prompt: As her daughter runs, the sorceress turns the carriage to a pumpkin and the men to mice. The young maiden washes the blood from her hands in a nearby stream. Her reflection shows that her disguise has faded away. Despite her change in appearance, she mutters curses. As she fled the assassination site, her shoe fell away as evidence.

It doesn’t have to be as obvious a retelling as the above. It may only be a reference to another work, adding your own twist or flare. Maybe it’s a character name. Maybe a place. Perhaps a theme or conflict sounds familiar.

Whatever it may be that gave you a dash of inspiration, make it your own!

Own it!


Whenever you feel backed against a wall, remember there are infinite ways to escape when in the realm of fantasy. Use your imagination and come up with the unexpected!

Did I miss something? Drop some creative prompts in the comments below!

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